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Subject: Re: olink to an appendix seems to loose quotation marks around title in fo, xhtml and html
Well, I looked in en.xml. Apparently, for <xlink>s, chapters and appendices and other children of book aren't supposed to have quotation marks, while things like figures, examples, and equations are supposed to have them. So, I guess that means <olink>'s behavior is following that of <xlink> and that everything is ok. I've been confused about this since I switched over to <olink>s and "modular DocBook". Sorry about the wild-goose-chase-type post. On 10/18/06, Chris Chiasson <chris@chiasson.name> wrote: > Are the quotation marks supposed to be there or not? > > I have noticed that for xlinks to equations and tables and figures, > the generated text has quotation marks around the title. > > for instance: > <olink targetdoc="self" targetptr="HW1_Appendix"/> > > produces (no quotation marks in any of them): > > xhtml: > <a href="HW1_Appendix.xhtml" class="olink">Appendix A, Homework 1 Appendix</a> > > html: > <a href="HW1_Appendix.html" class="olink">Appendix A, Homework 1 Appendix</a> > > fo: > <fo:basic-link internal-destination="HW1_Appendix">Appendix A, > Homework 1 Appendix</fo:basic-link> > > (and no, that extra character at the end of appendix isn't visible in the PDF) > > -- > http://chris.chiasson.name/ > -- http://chris.chiasson.name/
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