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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] * propogates style

Hi Mark,
This isn't a way to implement your custom class names, but rather a way to 
use the default class names to accomplish your purpose.

Take a closer look at the div tags surrounding the h2 elements.  You'll 
find that the div class attributes express the element names that created 
the h2, as well as a "titlepage" class.   By choosing the right combination 
of div.class selectors, you can control the formatting pretty closely.  So 
these two CSS selectors differentiate the titles:

div.article div.titlepage h2

div.section div.titlepage h2

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Duling" <mark.duling@biola.edu>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 10:13 AM
Subject: [docbook-apps] * propogates style

> I'm a DocBook newbie and just learned to use xxe, convert to html, and
> style the result with css.  When I transform my docbook article to html,
> it makes the article title and section titles all h2's.  To get the
> article title to be larger than the other titles, I used
> phrase.propogates.style and a definition for the custom class in my html
> css style sheet.  That worked fine and I have a bigger article title text
> now in my html page.
> The only thing is that the custom class in my article title is still
> enclosed by the same tags as the section titles (all h2's) so that I 
> still
> can't use a border on sections without having it applied to the article
> title as well.  Is there any way to get a custom class that isn't 
> enclosed
> the same as before so it can be styled differently in all ways rather 
> than
> just the text?  Thanks.
> Mark
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