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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Vendors: Will adding <info> to the table model (HTML) break yourtool?

To all of the vendors supporting DocBook (and that plan to support 
DocBook v5.0):

In the DocBook TC meeting yesterday, I proposed adding the <info> 
element to DocBook tables that use HTML markup in order to associate 
metadata with the tables.  In RelaxNG, this would be the non-title 
version of <info>.

The CALS table markup allows <info>, but that table model is
interpreted as allowing extra elements outside of <tgroup>.
HTML tables don't use <tgroup>.

The question we are concerned with, is will this addition
break editing tools that work with HTML tables?

We should point out that the DocBook HTML table model already
does not follow the strict XHTML table definition, as DocBook
elements are allowed in <td>...

A straw poll on the TC had 5 in favor and 2 abstentions. If this
will indeed break your tool for DocBook 5 support, we need to know,
as we will likely approve this in the next TC meeting otherwise.

We would also like to know which tools could support this, as the
majority of the TC felt that metadata for tables would be very

Thanks and best regards,

fn:Scott Hudson
org:Flatirons Solutions
adr:Suite 200;;4747 Table Mesa Drive ;Boulder;CO;80305;USA

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