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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: [docbook] total number of pages

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Dumais 
> I've searched and hacked as much as I could, but I still can't find
> the proper place to put my  <fo:block id="lastpage"/> tag so that I
> can properly customize my page numbers to be of the form (1/8, 2/8,
> ... 8/8). I have already placed  <fo:page-number-citation
> ref-id="lastpage"/> in the appropriate place in footer.content.
> This would seem like a common request, but I haven't found the answer
> that specifically explains how to do this with docbook5 xsl
> stylsheets.

[The proper list for stylesheet issues is docbook-apps. Moving there.]

Here is how it can be done:

It is a little easier in XSL 1.1, btw:

This is already supported in recent versions of XEP and AntennaHouse.


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