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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Dopus: new Docbook Publishing Framework


I'd like to announce the availability of a new Docbook framework: Dopus.
Dopus is available under GPL (the framework code and the customization
and the respective licenses of the used components.

Dopus is build upon Java and Apache Ant and uses freely available components
like Apache FOP,
Saxon and Apache Xerces. The components are put together using Apache Ant
and a generator.[bat|sh] script which makes generating output a snap.

Dopus can be run on Windows (primarily testing environment) or Unix systems
that support Java. The download archive includes a Windows JRE to make
installation as painless as possible. Just copy to a directory and you're

Dopus supports the following features (amongst others):

* Resolving of XIncluded documents
* Catalog resolving: the SYSTEM ID in an xml file can point to the URI, yet
it is resolved against the locally stored
  docbook DTD
* very flexible customization layer: can customize globally (all documents)
or on a per document basis
* flexible build mechanism: can  plug in own Ant tasks that do some work on
a per document basis

It can create the following document types:
* html : create chunked html
* singlehtml: create a single page html file
* htmlhelp: create a Windows Help (CHM) file
* eclipse: create an Eclipse Help plugin (together with toc.xml and
* javahelp: Create a Jar file containing the help suitable to view with
* pdf: Create a PDF document
* validate: Validate the input docbook file
* distribute: export the Docbook input files into a ZIP archive

Dopus can be downloaded in the freeware section of our download area:

Feel free to download and give your feedback.


Torsten Uhlmann


Torsten Uhlmann
AGYNAMIX(R). Sheltering Talent.

Tel    : +49 3721 273445
Fax    : +49 3721 273446
Mobile : +49 177 5261680
Email  : tuhlmann@agynamix.de
www    : http://www.agynamix.de


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