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Subject: titlepage customization

Hi out there,

I just tried to compile a titlepage.template in the fo directory, like

java -jar xalan.jar -out mytitle.xls -xsl titlepage.templates.xsl -in 

All I get is an error message. Since I am pretty new to xsl I did not 
change anything in the templates, just called xalan as a try. What did I 
do wrong?

file:/..... c/DocBook/docbook-xsl-1.70.1/fo/title
page.templates.xsl; Zeile #84; Spalte #-1; XSLT-Fehler 
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: org.ap
ache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException: Variable mit Namen title.fontset 
kann nicht gefunden werden

Tough the error message is in german it just says

variable title.fontset not found.

What did I do wrong?

Anyway, I'd like to put a picture on the titlepage of a pdf-file.

Thanks for helping,

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