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Subject: New to list. TOC title question

Hi all

New to the list and am getting up to speed on XSL. Any help w/ the 
following issue would be greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to remove the title "Table of Contents" from my chapter, 
appendix TOC's. I've been pouring through Bob's XSL book and read that I 
can control this w/ the generate.toc parameter. I've set it up as follows:

<xsl:param name="generate.toc">appendix toc
        article/appendix nop
        article toc
        book toc,title,figure,table,example,equation
        chapter toc
        part toc,title
        preface toc
        qandadiv toc
        qandaset toc
        reference toc</xsl:param>

Yet, I am still getting the TOC title in my chapters and appendices. Is 
there anything else that could be controlling this?  Its a system I 
inherited from someone no longer at my company.  Also, I can use the 
param local.l10n.xml to change the title from "Table of Contents" to 
just "Contents". Also, if I remove a line (say for chapter), the TOC's 
are completely removed. Its just the Title I can't seem to get rid of.

Thanks for your time

Kari Bourgeois
Technical Writer
Pyxis Technology

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