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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] oointerface - writing a synopsis for a Java interface

In looking through the XSL used to generate the classsynopsis element, it looks like the problem is not the inclusion of the word 'interface'. It is the assumption that, at least in the Java/default case, that the synopsis is for a class that is implementing an interface and not an interface by itself.
I had figured that the reason class="interface" was added to the element was for cases where the author wanted to create a synopsis for an interface and not a class. Was this a mistake on my part?
The way I addressed this was by adding an <xsl:choose> around the code that generates the text. The first <xsl:when> element uses test="@class=interface" to test for generating just an interface. This case skips over the processing of the ooclass element as this in not needed in this case. The <xsl:otherwise> holds the old code that processes the class case.
There is also a bug in the FO case that does not add a . between the package name and the interface name.

From: Bob Stayton [mailto:bobs@sagehill.net]
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 8:05 PM
To: Johnson, Eric; docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] oointerface - writing a synopsis for a Java interface

Hi Eric,
That word seems to be hardwired into the template with match="classsynopsis" in fo/synop.xsl.  You would have to customize that template to change it.
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 2:09 PM
Subject: [docbook-apps] oointerface - writing a synopsis for a Java interface

I was creating a synopsis for a Java interface and marked it up as follows:
<classsynopsis class="interface">
   <void />
I got the following result:
implements javax.xml.ws.AsyncHandler {
is there any way to turn the implements into interface?

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