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Subject: Re: Customized Chapter Tile - Number not appearing

To answer my own question, I scrapped that and used the example from the 
"Chapter titles" section instead:


I found I had to adapt it slightly and I'd be interested to know why. If I 
use as-is, I get the following FOP 0.25 error:

per_guide/paymentsplus_developer_guide.fo:31:18835 The id "d0e26" already 
 in this document

The workaround is to remove the id setting from the label; i.e, replace:

<fo:block id="{$id}"  xsl:use-attribute-sets="chap.label.properties">


<fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="chap.label.properties">

Any ideas why FOP throws an error with the example?



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