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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] [QUESTION] <link><inlinemediaobject> does notvalidate in DB v5.0CR1

Hi Mauritz

 > This might indicate a bug in xmllint/libxml2. There were no errors when I
 > tried these validation tools:
 > * Jing (docbook.rng and docbook.rnc)
 > * Emacs nXML mode (docbook.rnc)

Thanks for that.  I just tried nXML mode for myself (I had to switch 
from XEmacs
to GNU Emacs to do so :-(  and did not get an error either.

I will send a mail to xml@gnome.org <mailto:xml@gnome.org> and see if 
that list agrees that there is a bug in libxml2.


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