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Subject: Pesky <reference> title labels

In a DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN", I have this:

  <title>Linux manual pages</title>

    <title>Section 2</title>

       <title>Introduction to System Calls</title>
This chapter describes the Linux system calls.

[ … rest of intro(2) contents … ]


      [ _exit(2) - the first man page ]

    [ all the other refentry-s, in section 2]

     <title>Section 3</title>
    [ section 3, structured the same way: a <partintro>, then <refentry>s ]


  [ the other sections formatted the same way. ]


So that's it.  When I crunch this with 
docbook2html/openjade/dsssl-stylesheets-1.79, the table of contents on the 
first page reads:

Linux manual pages

Table of Contents

I. Section 2
    _exit -- terminate the current process
    accept -- accept a connection on a socket

    [ the remaining <refentry>s in section 2 ]

II. Section 3

    [ section 3 man pages ]

III. Section 4

    [ section 4 man pages ]

IV. Section 5

    [ section 5 man pages ]

V. Section 7

    [ section 7 man pages ]

My question is how to I get rid of the ugly labels that are prepended to 
each section page?????  I have chapter-autolabel and section-autolabel 
switched off, but they are still present.

Here's my entire stylesheet:

<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [

<!ENTITY dbstyle SYSTEM 
"/usr/share/sgml/docbook/utils-0.6.14/docbook-utils.dsl" CDATA DSSSL>

<style-specification use="docbook">

(define %chapter-autolabel% #f)
(define %section-autolabel% #f)
(define %use-id-as-filename% #t)
(define %css-decoration% #t)

<external-specification id="docbook" document="dbstyle" specid="html">

PGP signature

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