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Subject: Saxon and linenumbering
Hi, I have done searches and already read http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps/200406/msg00101.html. However in my case linenumbering does not work, despite saxon extension. I know saxon extension works because I use it to add callouts and callouts need it. Here is what is working for callouts : java -jar ~/local/lib/xxe-std-3_5_2/bin/saxon.jar programlistingco.xml ~/local/lib/docbook-xsl-1.72.0/xhtml/docbook.xsl use.extensions=1 callouts.extension=1 >programlistingco.html Saxon.jar is 6.5.5 version However if I try : java ~/local/lib/xxe-std-3_5_2/bin/saxon.jar linenumbering.xml ~/local/lib/docbook-xsl-1.72.0/xhtml/docbook.xsl use.extensions=1 linenumbering.extension=1 >linenumbering.html I get : No numberLines function available. Processing terminated by xsl:message at line 283 saxon extension used in CLASSPATH is : ~/local/lib/docbook-xsl-1.72.0/extensions/saxon65.jar Thierry B.
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