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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Re: <oXygen/> XML editor very slow with DocBook5.0

Hi Colin,

There is a performance problem indeed and that is caused from the way we 
gather the annotations from the DocBook5 Relax NG Schema to be used for 
content completion as documentation for the proposed elements, 
attributes and values. This was fixed in the current development stream 
and it will be available very shortly in version 8.2 (early next week).

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina - http://aboutxml.blogspot.com/
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Colin Shapiro wrote:
> Almost forgot... I'm running the latest version of Oxygen (8.1).
> Colin
> On 5/3/07, Colin Shapiro <cmshapiro@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Maybe someone can give me a clue here.  I use the <oXygen/> XML editor,
>> and I recently started working with DocBook 5.0.  The software is *very*
>> slow when working with db5 files.
>> I installed a local copy of the 5.0CR3 schema, and made an entry at the
>> top of Oxygen's "Default Schema Associations" list which points to the 
>> local
>> copy of the RNG schema.  I verified that it is using the local copy by
>> unplugging my network cable.  I tried turning off all content completion
>> features.  Nothing seems to work.
>> Oxygen does run fine with everything else. I have a number of custom 
>> NG schemas which I use (which aren't nearly as complex as DocBook), 
>> and my
>> other XML documents validate quickly.  It's not as fast as vi, but it 
>> runs
>> reasonably well for a big Java app.
>> Also, I'm using the Sun JRE 6 on Windows.  Eats RAM like a beast, but I
>> have a decent amount (1 GB).
>> Any ideas?
>> Colin

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