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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Re: how to upgrade docbook-xml properly w.r.t. nxml-mode -> /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/nxml-mode/schema/*.rnc

> Actually I would like to see,
> that the *.rnc files in /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/nxml-mode/schema/ get 
> and nxml-mode gets set up to make use of the *.rnc files 
in /usr/share/xml/docbook/schema/rng/5.0CR3/ or whatever new or old version 
one wants to make use of.
> Obviously your paths may vary,
> mine are from a mixture of SUSE 10.1 through 10.3alpha...
> and I actually assume, they are file system standard compliant, but who 
knows ...

From a Debian "unstable",  I made the following changes in the nxml-mode 
package :

1 - in
I renamed docbook.rnc docbook.rnc_V4.2

2 - I copied

and tested ok : the person element admitted an xml:id attribute

Then, while I had done the same for a Debian "testing", with the unsuccess I 
have reported, I reinstalled the nxml-mode package, and proceeded to the same 
modification, i.e. remplacing the original docbook schema (V4.2) to the 
V5.0CR3 ; and tested ok.

No explanation : lisp is out of my reaches.

Thanks for your help,



Informatique technique et scientifique

         Jean-Marie Thomas


        +33 (0)3 88 32 93 64

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