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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] To Rene Hache, Larry Garfield, Bob Stayton, Jirka Kosek - About a former XHTML accessiblity project

Chris is correct. Is the XHTML perfect or "modern"? Perhaps not. Does it
produce useable, accessible output? Yes. The output we've managed to get
from it for IONA's documentation looks very nice and is very workable.

If people are so down on the output perhaps they could put some of their
ideas into action...

The people who developed and maintain the style sheets deserve both some
slack and our appreciation.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: chris.chiasson@gmail.com 
> [mailto:chris.chiasson@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Chris Chiasson
> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 10:17 AM
> To: Nicolas RAINARD
> Cc: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] To Rene Hache, Larry Garfield, 
> Bob Stayton, Jirka Kosek - About a former XHTML accessiblity project
> I want to defend the stylesheet writers:
> XSLT is, IMO, a functional programming language based largely 
> on pattern matching. The source document trees can take many 
> different forms and contain a variety of structures, while 
> there are also many different output forms (for starters: fo, 
> html/xhtml single/chunked).
> So, in this XSLT language, the stylesheet writers have to 
> write a multi-input multi-output program and manage all the 
> interactions of their transformations. This is not so easy to 
> do, especially in one's spare time.
> I think we should give them slack. Are the embedded tables killing us?
> No. Is the output highly accessible already? Yes. 

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