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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: [docbook-apps] To Rene Hache, Larry Garfield, Bob Stayton, Jirka Kosek - About a former XHTML accessiblity project

El Martes, 15 de Mayo de 2007 17:47, Bob Stayton escribió:
> I've long wanted to make DocBook's XHTML cleaner, and I've started on it
> more than once.  But my approach was too big, looking at the entire XHTML
> design, and so each time it was put off due to lack of time.
> As people have pointed out, perhaps only a few elements need to be changed.
>  We could have a parameter (xhtml.clean?), and add xsl:choose statements to
> some element templates to produce alternate output if that parameter is
> set.  What would really help me is a list of elements that need this
> treatment.

IMHO, the first step would be to create a set of XHTML pages containing how 
each DB element, and its attributes, should be mapped into XHTML-1.1 + 
Ascessibility (valid XHTML-1.1 could be served as valid XHTML-1.0 if needed 
for browsers compatibility).

Having that example mapping to know the actual changes needed, can be 
evaluated if that xhtml.clean parameter could be used, if the current xhtml/ 
templates could be full-changed to generate the new code, or if will be 
better to have two separate xhtml templates sets: the current one plus a new 
xhtml1.1 tree.

Manuel Canales Esparcia
Usuario de LFS nº2886:       http://www.linuxfromscratch.org
LFS en castellano: http://www.escomposlinux.org/lfs-es http://www.lfs-es.info
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