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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] insert.xref.page.number ignored when using xreflabel

El Martes, 22 de Mayo de 2007 20:40, Ken Morse escribió:

> I'd like xref to have the same behavior in all cases; any ideas on how
> to turn of the page number references in the case where xreflabel is
> used?

Rendering your example with FOP-0.93 the page number is here on both cases, 
using @xreflabel or not, just like the stylesheets want.

From fo/xref.xsl:

<xsl:template match="xref" name="xref">
.  some stuff ....
  <!-- Add standard page reference? -->
. more stuff...
    <!-- positive xrefstyle already handles it -->
    <xsl:when test="not(starts-with(normalize-space($xrefstyle), 'select:') 
                  and (contains($xrefstyle, 'page')
                       or contains($xrefstyle, 'Page')))
                  and ( $insert.xref.page.number = 'yes' 
                     or $insert.xref.page.number = '1')
                  or local-name($target) = 'para'">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="$target" mode="page.citation">
        <xsl:with-param name="id" select="$target/@id|$target/@xml:id"/>

As you can see, the page number is added based on @xrefstyle values, or based 
on  $insert.xref.page.number value, or always that 

I don't know why the page number is added always for <para> targets, but you 
can avoid it removing that condition from the test.

Manuel Canales Esparcia
Usuario de LFS nº2886:       http://www.linuxfromscratch.org
LFS en castellano: http://www.escomposlinux.org/lfs-es http://www.lfs-es.info
TLDP-ES:                           http://es.tldp.org

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