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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] DocBookWiki application

Mike M wrote:
> Has anybody on this list had any experience with the DocBookWiki application at:
> http://doc-book.sourceforge.net/homepage/
> It claims to support web-based editing of docbook documents. Sounds good, but how does it work in practice?
> There seems to be a pull towards wiki's for creating technical documentation. See an example here:
> http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/casestudies/gigaspaces.jsp
> Gigaspaces has created their documentation using the confluence wiki and an MS-Word exporter. Actually, the result (downloadable from their site after free registration)  doesn't look too bad.
> So I'm wondering whether DocBookWiki could give us the best of both worlds: Docbook structure and the easy accessibility of a wiki.
> Anybody care to comment?

Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry has been a good magnet for discussion of this 
topic. (http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/59)

The comments to the entry seem to break down like this:

- Lots of "these are the features I'd like" comments
- Lots of suggestions about systems that do part of the job
- Lots of lamenting the absence of a working implementation
- Lots of thinking that "this shouldn't be so hard to do"
   (My reaction: Uh huh. It's always easy when someone else does the work)

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