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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook 5.0 and imageobjectco

The situation with imageobjectco  has not changed.  There is no support for 
it in the DocBook 5.0 stylesheets either.

However, I noticed that the SVN tree has /trunk/imageco, which contains a 
couple of Perl scripts related to imageobjectco that were written by Norm 
Walsh.  Norm, is this working code?

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
DocBook Consulting

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jacques Foucry" <jacques@foucry.net>
To: "docbook-apps" <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 2:37 PM
Subject: [docbook-apps] Docbook 5.0 and imageobjectco


Is imageobjectco with area and coords work in docbook 5.0. As I
remember it doesn't work well with previous version, but now ?

This exemple work put I tried to use it in for mu PDF output and It
seems not working.

<info><title>Les informations d'un enregistrement A</title></info>
<areaspec unit="calspair">
<areaset xml:id="record" coords="">
<area xml:id="record_name" coords="560 260"/>
<callout arearefs="record_name">Nom de la machine</callout>
<imagedata fileref="images/Leopard/DNS/AddRecord2.pdf"
align="center" format="PDF" scalefit="1" scale="50"/>

In fact I don't have any callout icon on my picture and no callout in
a list after the image.

Thanks for your help,

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Attention, il ne reste que 2 exemplaires.

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