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Subject: Adding a "promotional materials" page after the index

Tom Copeland wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-05-31 at 17:47 +0100, Simon Kennedy wrote:
>> The tag you are looking for is 'colophon'. As the definitive guide says
>> "A |Colophon| <cid:part1.01070006.06040602@yahoo.co.uk>, if present, 
>> almost always occurs at the very end of a book. It contains factual 
>> information about the book, especially about its production, and 
>> includes details about typographic style, the fonts used, the paper 
>> used, and perhaps the binding method of the book."
> Hi Simon -
> That works great, thanks!  For some reason I had thought a book could
> only have one of those elements, but having multiple ones works fine...
> thanks much!
> Yours,
> Tom
Hi Tom,

Yeah, beaten by Bob to the reply by about 5 minutes. :-)

My motto for docbook-apps is; If in doubt always believe Bob unless 
Jirka disagrees with him, in which case it's a toss up between the two 
as to which is correct and most likely somewhere in between.

Always check the Definitive Guide if you want to find out about an 
element. If you look at 'colophon' and then select the 'book' link in 
'Parent Elements' then in the content model for 'book' you will find 
'one or more of ... colophon'. Which is a subtle hint :^)

I was going to add some of my tips for stylesheet customization, but 
those will appear in a separate message. as they were getting a bit long.

Simon Kennedy

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