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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] How to handle XML code in programlistings?

I'll stick to Dave's recommendation. After escaping my
XML code and pasting it in XMLmind it's also
accessible to me from there. Putting some callouts
<co> thenafter works perfectly. 

Since I use the lastest FOP version I can not use the
<areaspec> approach which leads to an error.

Anyway thanks a lot for all you hints.


--- Dave Pawson <davep@dpawson.co.uk> schrieb:

> Bob Stayton wrote:
> > You can also import an external XML file using
> XInclude with a 
> > parse="text" attribute, which escapes all the
> markup. Then you can use 
> > an areaspec to place the callouts.  It is tricky,
> because you have to 
> > use coordinates in the areaspec, 
> Which makes an imagemap, which isn't accessible Bob?
> regards
> -- 
> Dave Pawson
> http://www.dpawson.co.uk
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