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Subject: FO-Problem: Visible Hotlinks in FO/PDF?

Dear list,

could  you please give me a hint, how I could customize my XSL
stylesheet in that way, that links, xrefs or ulinks will be presented as
visible hotlinks in my FO/PDF output (e.g. underlined or blue colored). 

Our users usually read our documents as PDF versions on their screen. At
the moment, links are only recognizable as hotlinks, when the user moves
the mouse over it and the cursor changes its appearance. But therefore
he has to know, that THERE IS a hotlink to be found. It would help a
lot, if these links were directly formatted as underlined text or in
another font color.  

Do I have to adjust the "link" template settings within the xref.xsl
file (<xsl:template match="link" name="link"> etc.)? Or is there a XSL
parameter, which I could use in my customization (something like
"link.properties" - which does not exist)?

Thank you, regards,

Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH
Geschaeftsfuehrung:  Dr. Peter Geiselhart  -  Michael Mauser  -  William S. Palin -  Edwin Summers  -  Regis Baudot
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Karlsbad - Registergericht: Mannheim HRB 361395
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