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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Issues with PDF output (fop 0.93, docbook-xsl current/snapshot)


Maybe someone can help to determine the cause of a few issues I see. See
the example at http://debian.wgdd.de/temp/docbook-xsl/. 

page 7: The title of the programlisting in <example
id="example_debarchiver_conf"> is mixed with the content of the
programlisting. The listing itself overflows the page area (it puts
content into the header).
(Warning during fop-execution: Content of the region-body on page 7
overflows the available area in block-progression dimension.
(fo:page-sequence, location: 2/29013))

page 9: Similar problem for the "definition list" entry for the
"@mailtos" variable.

page 12: The output of the procedure is completely missing
(Warning during fop-execution: Content of the region-body on page 12
overflows the available area in block-progression dimension.
(fo:page-sequence, location: 2/29013))

I maybe missed other things. So can somebody determine, if these are
issues in fop or in docbook-xsl? How can I workaround them? In the past
I used fop 0.20.5 without such issues. Now I'm using fop 0.93 and I
tested with the latest docbook-xsl releases as well as with the latest
snapshot. System is a Debian Sid (if that's interesting).

Are these bugs in

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