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docbook-apps message

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Subject: footnote in informaltable

I am using version 4.12 of the DTD, and 1.72.0 of the stylesheets.  When I 
attempt to add a footnote in a table or informaltable, a new row at the 
bottom of the table is created, which I'm sure is as designed.  The 
problem I'm having is that for each footnote, there are two link in the 
table row.  Perhaps I'm incorrectly using this?

Here is a sample snippet:

        <entry spanname="feature">Wireless Local Area Network  (WLAN)
                      <para>This is a footnote.</para>
        <entry align="center">Yes</entry>
        <entry align="center">Yes</entry>
        <entry align="center">Yes</entry>
        <entry align="center">Yes</entry>

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