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Subject: Images within <title/>

Dear list,

I want to put a little graphic just before the title of a simplesect
(in the same line as the title).

What I did, is the following:

<simplesect id="myid">
          <imagedata fileref="path/to/image" />

This works fine within the text.

But the problem is, that I don't want to show up the image in the
toc-entry and in the text generated by <xref/>.

I tried to use titleabbrev, but this doesn't seem to be used for toc-entries

And I couldn't find out which template to modify in the Stylesheets to
exclude the image for toc-entries and references. Perhaps someone can
point me in the direction to take.

Has anyone tried something like this before?
Any solutions to the problem?

Thanks a lot for your help in advance!

Kind regards,

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