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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Howto customize title for legalnotice
I have only 20 lines of text in the test document. Still haven't setup my PC for using xsltproc/saxon will do it tomorrow and get back... ~spr Bob Stayton wrote: > > Hmm, I cut and pasted your attribute-set into a simple customization layer > based on 1.73.2 fo/docbook.xsl, processed a short book with xsltproc and > fop 0.94, and it worked. I also processed it with the fop shell script, > and that worked as well. That is, the legalnotice title was rendered in > red on the verso titlepage, while other formal titles appeared in black. > > Have you tried it with a minimal customization layer to see if something > else is affecting it? > > Bob Stayton > Sagehill Enterprises > DocBook Consulting > bobs@sagehill.net > -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Howto-customize-title-for-legalnotice-tf4568304.html#a13066833 Sent from the docbook apps mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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