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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] role and xml:id

On 2 nov. 07, at 23:35, Thomas Schraitle wrote:

> 1. Did you validate your files? How?

My files are validate with saxon with a oXygenXML scenario.
> 2. Do you use XIncludes or external entities?

I use XInclude, enabled in oXygenXML, and it works, all the texts are  
présent in my PDF.
> 3. Which tools do you use?

I use oXygen as editor and saxon6.5.5 and XEP.

> 4. Do you use profiling?
Yes. I use the role os=leopard. In my oXygen scenario with  

> I may be wrong, but perhaps you forgot to xinclude the respective  
> file? Or
> you filtered out some sections with profiling?

The section are in the result PDF, the only things missing are the  
links and the title refs.

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