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docbook-apps message

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Subject: [ANN] oXygen XML editor 9.0 with visual DocBook editing support


I am glad to let you know that the final oXygen XML editor 9.0 is 
available from our website

oXygen offers a ready to use solution for DocBook featuring out of the 
box support for both DocBook 5 and DocBook 4. With oXygen you can

* create, author and validate DocBook documents using
   - document templates for quickly creating new documents
   - visual WYSIWYG like DocBook editor
     with specific DocBook custom actions
   - powerful code based editing support for low level source editing
   - continuous validation and validation on demand
   - support for DTD but also for Relax NG and Schematron validation
   - pre-configured XML catalog for resolving resources to local copies
   - support for using modules (entities, XInclude)

* transform DocBook to different output formats
   - built-in transformation scenario to convert DocBook to PDF
   - built-in transformation scenario to convert DocBook to HTML
   - built-in transformation scenario to convert DocBook 4 to DocBook 5
   - configure your own transformation scenarios

* develop DocBook customization layers and debug eventual problems
   - powerful XSLT editor supporting XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0
   - XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 debugger

* make your custom DocBook configuration and share that with your team
   using the configurable Document Type support that allows you to define
   - default schemas for validation
   - multiple (alternate) CSS stylesheets for visual DocBook editing
   - custom actions
   - transformation scenarios
   - XML catalogs
   - document templates to create new documents

More, oXygen is cross platform running on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, 
Solaris, etc. and has a user friendly license, the license is bound to 
the user not to the machine or operating system and ranges from USD 48 
for academic/personal usage to USD 225 and USD 275 for professional and 
enterprise license, respectively.

The full list with new additions and more details are available from

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina - http://aboutxml.blogspot.com/
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

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