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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Part of the docbook to be placed prior to titlepage

> -----Original Message-----
> From: akommar 
> I'd like certain element (specified by an ID or whatever) of 
> the docbook
> file to be placed in the html output before the titlepage 
> content or at
> least prior to the title/subtitle/toc etc. The reason is that I am
> implementing the navigation between various documents by 
> myself at the stage
> of the docbook file generation but not during XSL processing. 
> This is the
> reason I don't want to use html header customization but 
> generating the
> navigation elements and having them placed directly in the 
> docbook. So I am
> interested in  taking some paragraph and having it placed 
> before at the very
> top of the output.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand. 

Please provide a concrete example of what you are trying to accomplish. How
is "navigation between various documents" supposed to work? What do you mean
by "generating the navigation elements and having them placed directly in
the docbook"?


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