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Subject: RE: [docbook] Legal Notice Link Problem

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Cooke 
> I have place the following in my xml file (within a book section): 
>     <legalnotice> 
>       <para>    
>       Here is a short legal notice: blah blah 
>       </para> 
>     </legalnotice> 
> And the following in a custom.xsl template: 
>  <xsl:param name="generate.legalnotice.link" select="1"/> 
> I use this to generate a html file, which it does along with 
> another file containing the legal notice (id4692171.html). 
> However, the link in the main html file is as follows:
> <a 
> href="Here%20is%20a%20short%20legal%20notice:%20blah%20blah">L
egal Notice</a> 

[Moving this thread to the docbook-apps list, where stylesheet issues are

There is a bug in DocBook XSL 1.73.2 (and earlier) that garbles the
legalnotice link when you generate single-page HTML (it works for chunked
output). This is fixed in Subversion, and you can test it by using a
snapshot release: http://docbook.sourceforge.net/snapshots/.

The calculation of the legalnotice filename is now done as follows:

1. First, there is a check to see if a filename is given by the <?dbhtml
filename="..."?> processing instruction. If so, that filename is used.

2. If the legalnotice has an id/xml:id attribute, and if the
use.id.as.filename parameter != 0, then the filename is the concatenation of
the id/xml:id value and the value of the html.ext parameter.

3. If the legalnotice does not have an id/xml:id attribute, or if
use.id.as.filename = 0, then the filename is the concatenation of "ln-",
auto-generated id value, and html.ext value.

By the way, this naming scheme also applies to revhistory when
generate.revhistory.link = 1 (for case 3, the prefix is "rh-"). 


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