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Subject: Serious problems with <olink>

I’m suffering from very strange troubles when processing DocBook documents using <olink> elements in the “website” application.




-          Saxon 6.5

-          DocBook XSL 1.73.2

-          Windows XP Professional




The “Autolayout.xml” is in the working directory “root” and the XML file using the <olink> (the origin part of the link) is in a subdirectory “dir”.


1)       When processing the “Autolayout.xml” file, Saxon produces a file “website.database.xml” in the root working directory.

2)       It also outputs some errors in the console:

a.       Recoverable error

Failure reading file:”Path”/root/dir/website.database.xml: no more input

b.       Recoverable error

Failure reading file:”Path”/root/dir/olinkdb.xml: no more input

c.       Error unresolved olink: targetdoc/targetptr = ‘id/id’


3)       It also outputs some XML parsing errors related with the HTML DTD!!! The source of this error is the fact that the file “website.database.xml” gets included the following DTD declaration:

<!DOCTYPE targetset

  PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">


AD-HOC solution:


In order to have this website working I have to:


1)       Do the previously faulty process.

2)       Delete the HTML DTD declaration from “website.database.xml”.

3)       Copy this modified “website.database.xml” file into the subdirectory “dir”.

4)       Reprocess from step 1), BUT I have to “touch” all the file that include an <olink> in order to be reprocessed (I set the option of detecting updated files for processing).

NOTE: The above mentioned errors (a) and (c) disappear, BUT not the error (b).


I could be doing something wrong but it is quite clear to me that the DocBook XSL application is doing something wrong.


Could anybody tell me if you are suffering from this kind of troubles, or what’s the origin and solution for this problem?


Thank you very much in advance.



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