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Subject: Custom footers with chapter and section numbers (using FOP)

Hello docbook-apps!

I'm trying to customise the headers and footers
of a docbook book. I am using Apache FOP 0.93. I
have the footer looking almost perfect thanks
especially to this very helpful page:


But there is one thing I just can't figure out how to
do! In my style sheet I have this code to insert the
section name into the footer:

<!-- Section name: -->
<fo:retrieve-marker retrieve-class-name="section.head.marker"

But I would also like to include the chapter and section
numbers so that instead of "section name" it contains
"N.M. section name" where N is the chapter number and
M is the section number. I am using <chapter> and <sect1>
if that makes any difference.

Any code to do this or even pointers to the right places
in a manual (or example books that do this) would be very
much appreciated!



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