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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Re: Referencing a glossary entry?

On Nov 20, 2007 12:05 AM, Jean Jordaan <jean.jordaan@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all

> What's the correct markup to use if I want to reference a glossary
> entry from my text, so that the reader knows that they can look up
> this term in the glossary?

I'm using a modular setup, so the glossary lives in a file of its
own. Can I still use xref to point at terms?

that i'm not sure about, struggling with that notion myself. I think if you are ok with the concept of "all in one page", then yes, you can cross reference them and my understanding is the transformation should take of that link, given html, pdf, or whatever.

someone else here can answer that one better.

Anthony Ettinger
Ph: 408-656-2473
var (bonita, farley) = new Dog;
farley.barks("very loud");
bonita.barks ("at strangers");


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