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Subject: Expected PDF output of minimal document - total newbie alert!

Hello all,

I found the attached minimal document in a tutorial online. I need
to know what the document is expected to look like when converted
to PDF. The tutorial explained how to produce HTML, not PDF, so there
was no sample PDF (I don't think that there was any sample HTML 
for that matter, but anyway...)

I am using xsltproc, fop-trunk, DocBook stylesheets 1.73.2,
DocBook DTD 4.1.2.

I have attached 3 PDF documents:

1) Book2-1.pdf
xsltproc /path/to/1.62.0/stylesheets/fo/docbook.xsl book2-1.fo

These were the stylesheets that I originally downloaded years ago
to build the documentation for an open source program that I use.
The resulting FO caused exceptions in fop-trunk. Someone on the
FOP mailing list manually removed the offending constructs and then
produced the PDF with fop-trunk.

2) Book2-2.pdf
xsltproc /path/to/1.73.2/stylesheets/fo/docbook.xsl book2-2.fo
fop-trunk book2-2.fo book2-2.pdf

3) Book2-3.pdf
xsltproc /path/to/1.73.2/stylesheets/fo/docbook.xsl book2-3.fo
fop-0.94 book2-3.fo book2-3.pdf

I decided to try the stable version of fop, but it wasn't quite right
either, in my opinion.

The XML file is in a gzipped tar file. The URL of the DocBook DTD
in the header is a local path on my machine. Hotmail removes any
text enclosed in angle brackets so I had to disguise it.

My opinion is that book2-1.pdf is probably the right answer, but
I cannot produce it without manual intervention, and, being at the
"Hello, world!" stage, I would not know how to perform that

Am I right that the author have intended or expected book2-1.pdf?
Would I get better results from another FO processor?

Thanks in advance.

Alias John Brown.

Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!





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