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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Page X of Y in user.footer.navigation

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Diane Larin 
> Some years ago, Bob Stayton sent me a piece of code to allow 
> the display of the string "page X of Y" at the bottom of each 
> chunk (see exchanges below). It worked perfectly. At that 
> time I was using docbook-xsl-1.68.1 but since then I did 
> regular updates and I am now using docbook-xsl-1.73.2. I have 
> been asked to update the old document for which this special 
> footer is needed but the output is no longer the one desired: 
> I obtain page of 0 at the bottom of each page. I don't know 
> which update broke the compatibility and I have problem 
> understanding what I should modify. It seems the following 
> lines are no longer processed correctly:
> 	<!-- Turn the chunk hierarchy into a node-set -->
> 	<xsl:variable name="mychunks"
> 	select="exsl:node-set($mychunk.hierarchy)//div"/>

The chunkfast divs are now in a special namespace (see chunk-code.xsl), so
you have to change the above variable to

<xsl:variable name="mychunks" 


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