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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Including external documents

Camille Bégnis wrote:

> Hi,
> if your appendix don't need to be tightly integrated in the document
> (not appear in table of contents, no xrefs, etc.), there is a simple
> solution that consists in sticking the resulting PDFs together using
> pdftk for example. No need for complex pagemasters...
> Camille (quick'n dirty mode).

I thought of that, but I want tight integration.

I have written a custom stylesheet according to Bob Stayton's
instructions. It is almost working. I have a problem with the size 
and/or the alignment of the image. Perhaps it does not want to
let me put an 8.5in x 11in image on an 8.5in x 11in page.

Whoever wants to look at my files can download test.tar.bz2 at:

The archive contains:
test.xml - DocBook 5.0 file
docbook.xsl - customised stylesheet
doc1-page1.pdf - an 8.5in x 11in PDF (1 page) that I want to include
test.pdf - the result of:
   xsltproc -o test.fo docbook.xsl  test.xml
   fop test.fo test.pdf

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