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Subject: [docbook-apps] Customizing titlepage for chapter


I have 2 problems at hand:

1) The chapter title-page appears on the odd-page, but the content starts on
even page.
   Though I would like content to start on the odd-page (param double.sided
is set to "1").

2) Though I have specified the revision history for the chapter to appear on
"verso" page,
   there is no "verso" page being generated. The revision history appears
before on table of
   contents the chapter title page.

I have customized the title-page spec to put the revision history in the
"verso" page as below:

    t:element    = "chapter"
    t:wrapper    = "fo:block"
    font-family  = "{$title.fontset}">
      t:side       = "recto"
      margin-left  = "{$title.margin.left}">
        t:named-template = "component.title"
        param:node       = "ancestor-or-self::chapter[1]"
        font-size        = "20pt"
        font-weight      = "bold"/>
        space-before     = "0.5em"
        font-style       = "italic"
        font-size        = "14pt"
        font-weight      = "bold"/>
      <abstract />
        space-before     = "0.5em"
        space-after      = "0.5em"
        font-size        = "14pt"/>
      <copyright />
      <pubdate />

      t:side       = "verso">
      <releaseinfo />
      <revision />
      <revhistory />

        break-after = "page" />

      t:side  = "recto">

      t:side  = "verso">


Any pointers on what could be going wrong?


View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Customizing-titlepage-for-chapter-tp17061492p17061492.html
Sent from the docbook apps mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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