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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] RE: [docbook] RE: [docbook-apps] db 5 and Dita anyone?

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Barton Wright
<barton.wright@streambase.com> wrote:
> Another +1 for a non-xinclude conref feature.
> No one talks about the hidden cost of xincludes, which is that they are expensive in terms of the time they take in a large Java-based doc build process. The more xincludes our doc set accrues, the longer the doc build takes.

This is the biggest problem I have encountered with DocBook.  I've
achieved whatever content reuse I've needed so far using xincludes and
xpointer.  I posted the permutations that I find useful here:


But they only work with xmllint.

My experience with xincludes is that they resolve very quickly,
though.  Especially after I configured an XML catalog for xmllint, it
resolves my intricate web of xincludes in seconds.  Maybe the
difference is that you are using a Java tool to resolve them?

I would gladly give up the xincludes for a DocBook content sharing feature.


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