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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] multiple colors in the title tag?


How about using a <phrase role="blue"> to wrap the words? I'd still 
prefer the role be semantic (WHY is it blue?), but you get the idea.

You would still need to adjust your customization layer to process the 
phrases to include the color markup for your various outputs though...

Best regards,

www.FlatironsSolutions.com <http://www.flatironssolutions.com/>

Terra Frost wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Say I had two words in my title and wanted to make the second word blue
> or something.  Any ideas as to how I might do this?
> I could go into the HTML that the XSL produced and hand modify it, but
> could I maybe incorporate the color into the XML, itself?
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> =tnch
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