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Subject: AW: AW: [docbook-apps] roundtrip-stylesheets

Hi Steve,

thank you for your answer.

Maybe you can announce this feature when it will work.



>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: Steve Ball [mailto:Steve.Ball@explain.com.au]
>Gesendet: Montag, 19. Mai 2008 11:56
>An: Buergel Robert, EI-30
>Cc: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
>Betreff: Re: AW: [docbook-apps] roundtrip-stylesheets
>Hi Robert,
>I just checked the stylesheets to determine to what extent
>variablelist is currently supported.
>There are paragraph styles in the template for variablelist-title and
>variablelist-term. The plan is to include all content immediately
>after the variablelist-term in the corresponding varlistentry/listitem.
>blocks2dbk.xsl has no mention of variablelist.
>dbk2wp.xsl translates variablelists into a table, which is incorrect
>(the old method).
>So the current status is that the template is ready but the feature
>needs to be implemented properly.
>Sorry about that... it will be done in the fullness of time ;-) At the
>moment my priority is to get features working and tested that my
>(paying) clients require. After that I'll move on to everything else.
>Steve Ball
>On 19/05/2008, at 3:54 PM, <Robert.Buergel@bmw.de> <Robert.Buergel@bmw.de
> > wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> thank you for your answer.
>> I've got the latest snapshot of the roundtrip-stylesheets from the
>> SVN repository and I use the following pipeline to convert a word-
>> XML file to docbook:
>> xsltproc wordml2normalise.xsl $1 | \
>> xsltproc normalise2sections.xsl - | \
>> xsltproc sections2blocks.xsl - | \
>> xsltproc blocks2dbk.xsl -
>> Then I've modified the template.xml like this:
>> Titel                       (article-title)
>> This document is not blank. (Standard;para)
>> My List entry               (variablelist-title)
>> term term term term         (variablelist-term)
>> bla bla bla.                (Standard;para)
>> In the brackets are the word-formats/styles written.
>> But I receive a error-message:
>> ERROR "unknown-style": unknown paragraph style "variablelist-term"
>> encountered
>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>> <dbk:article xmlns:dbk="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook";
>> .org/ns/docbook/roundtrip" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";>
>>  <dbk:info>
>>    <dbk:title>Titel</dbk:title>
>>  </dbk:info>
>>  <dbk:para>This document is not blank.</dbk:para>
>>  <!--unknown paragraph style "variablelist-term" encountered-->
>>  <rnd:error>
>>    <rnd:code>unknown-style</rnd:code>
>>    <rnd:message>unknown paragraph style "variablelist-term"
>> encountered</rnd:me
>> ssage>
>>  </rnd:error>
>>  <dbk:para>bla bla bla.</dbk:para>
>> </dbk:article>
>> It looks like anything is wrong with the "variablelist-term" style.
>> Any idea how to format a variablelist in word in order to convert it
>> to docbook with the roundtrip-stylesheets?
>> Thank you in advance
>> Robert
>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>> Von: Steve Ball [mailto:Steve.Ball@explain.com.au]
>>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 6. Mai 2008 23:38
>>> An: Buergel Robert, EI-30
>>> Cc: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
>>> Betreff: Re: [docbook-apps] roundtrip-stylesheets
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> Firstly, make sure you are using the new set of stylesheets. The
>>> pipeline should be:
>>> xsltproc .../wordml2normalise.xsl $1 | \
>>> xsltproc .../normalise2sections.xsl - | \
>>> xsltproc .../sections2blocks.xsl - | \
>>> xsltproc .../blocks2dbk.xsl -
>>> I have been doing work on the system lately (mainly on tables), but I
>>> have not been testing variablelist support (yet - I am planning on
>>> more thoroughly testing all supported elements).
>>> In any case, it may be a good idea to pull the latest versions from
>>> the SVN repository.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Steve Ball
>>> On 06/05/2008, at 3:55 PM, <Robert.Buergel@bmw.de>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm working with the roundtrip-stylesheets in order to create a
>>>> docbook-XML-file out of a WordML-XML-file. But I have problems to
>>>> use
>>>> the variablelist-format.
>>>> In the word-file I got 2 paragraphs. The first is formatted as
>>>> variablelist-term
>>>> and the second as
>>>> variablelist
>>>> the wordML-file looks like this - and I think this is ok:
>>>>         <w:p wsp:rsidR="00307CBA" wsp:rsidRPr="00420A71"
>>>>         wsp:rsidRDefault="004E1A46" wsp:rsidP="00307CBA">
>>>>           <w:pPr>
>>>>             <w:pStyle w:val="variablelist-term"/>
>>>>             <w:rPr>
>>>>               <w:lang w:val="EN-GB"/>
>>>>             </w:rPr>
>>>>           </w:pPr>
>>>>           <w:r wsp:rsidRPr="00420A71">
>>>>             <w:rPr>
>>>>               <w:lang w:val="EN-GB"/>
>>>>             </w:rPr>
>>>>             <w:t>Term 1</w:t>
>>>>           </w:r>
>>>>         </w:p>
>>>>         <w:p wsp:rsidR="0000014A" wsp:rsidRPr="00420A71"
>>>>          wsp:rsidRDefault="004E1A46" wsp:rsidP="00D062B8">
>>>>           <w:pPr>
>>>>             <w:pStyle w:val="variablelist"/>
>>>>             <w:rPr>
>>>>               <w:lang w:val="EN-GB"/>
>>>>             </w:rPr>
>>>>           </w:pPr>
>>>>           <w:r wsp:rsidRPr="00420A71">
>>>>             <w:rPr>
>>>>               <w:lang w:val="EN-GB"/>
>>>>             </w:rPr>
>>>>             <w:t>description of term 1</w:t>
>>>>           </w:r>
>>>>         </w:p>
>>>> But if I do this:
>>>> xsltproc /usr/share/docbook-xsl/roundtrip/wordml-normalise.xsl $1
>>>> | \
>>>> xsltproc /usr/share/docbook-xsl/roundtrip/wordml-sections.xsl - | \
>>>> xsltproc /usr/share/docbook-xsl/roundtrip/wordml-blocks.xsl - | \
>>>> xsltproc /usr/share/docbook-xsl/roundtrip/wordml-final.xsl -
>>>> I receive:
>>>> No match found for variablelist-term
>>>> No match found for variablelist
>>>> All other stuff works fine but the variablelist not.
>>>> Any hints to get the variablelist working? I use the following
>>>> stylesheets:
>>>> pages2normalise.xsl 7266 2007-08-22
>>>> normalise2sections.xsl 7266 2007-08-22
>>>> sections2blocks.xsl 7266 2007-08-22
>>>> wordml2normalise.xsl 7266 2007-08-22
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Robert
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