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docbook-apps message

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Subject: olink jumps to first page, not target

Hello All,

The subject line says it all.

I found the following thread:


in which they say, among other things, that 

"Named destinations only work in PDF files that are served from Web servers,
not in local copies that exist on your hard disk. This is a long-standing
limitation of PDF."

Is that the reason why my olink does not work?

I am using:

Kubuntu Hardy Heron (8.10)
Adobe Reader 8
DocBook 5.0b5
DocBook XSL Stylesheets 1.73.2 (NS)
fop-trunk 653186
xsltproc svn r1460 (compiled against libxml 20632, libxslt 10122 
                    and libexslt 813)

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