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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Using Schematron to define templates
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 8:14 AM, Dick Hamilton <rlhamilton@frii.com> wrote: > Michael, > > Thanks for the pointers. I like to work from examples, so they > should be useful. We're planning on spinning up Schematron (with XPath 2.0) for exactly the same sort of stuff. Here's a very minimal example: <?xml version="1.0"?> <schema xmlns="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"> <title>O'Reilly Bookinfo Test</title> <pattern> <title>Check Book Elements for Bookinfo</title> <rule context="book"> <assert test="bookinfo">Book elements must have an bookinfo child</assert> <assert test="title">Book elements must have an title child</assert> </rule> </pattern> <pattern> <title>Check Bookinfo for proper structure</title> <rule context="bookinfo"> <assert test="count(isbn) = 1">bookinfo must have one and only one isbn child</assert> <assert test="string-length(isbn[1]) = 13">isbn elements must be 13 characters long (no dashes or spaces)!</assert> <assert test="not(matches(isbn[1], '[^X0-9]'))">isbn elements must only contain ==[X0-9]== characters!</assert> <assert test="count(publisher) = 1">Each book requires one publishername</assert> <assert test="count(publisher/publishername) = 1">Each book requires one publishername</assert> <report test="title">Book's title's should be in the book element rather than the bookinfo</report> </rule> </pattern> </schema> <schema xmlns="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"> <title>O'Reilly Mediaobject Test</title> <pattern> <title>Check For No Graphics</title> <rule context="/"> <report test="descendant::graphic">graphic elements not allowed</report> <report test="descendant::inlinegraphic">inlinegraphic elements not allowed</report> </rule> </pattern> <pattern> <title>Check Mediaobject for proper structure</title> <rule context='mediaobject[not(@role="cover")]'> <assert test="imageobject[@role]">imageobject elements must have @role</assert> <report test='imageobject[@role="print"]/imagedata[not(@format="PDF")]'>imageobject[@role="print"]/imagedata must be @format="PDF"</report> <report test='imageobject[@role="web"]/imagedata[@format[not(.="PNG") and not(.="JPG") and not(.="GIF")]]'>imageobject[@role="web"]/imagedata must be @format="PNG|GIF|JPG"</report> <report test='imageobject[not(@role = "web" or @role = "print")]'>Use only @role="web" or @role="print" on imageobject elements</report> </rule> <rule context="imageobject[@role='print']"> <assert test='imagedata[@format]'>imageobject elements must have @format</assert> <assert test='imagedata[@fileref[starts-with(., "figs")]]'>imageobject[@role='print']/imagedata must have a @fileref starting with figs</assert> </rule> <rule context="imageobject[@role='web']"> <assert test='imagedata[@format]'>imageobject elements must have @format</assert> <assert test='imagedata[@fileref[starts-with(., "figs")]]'>imageobject[@role='web']/imagedata must have a @fileref starting with figs</assert> </rule> </pattern> </schema> HTH, Keith
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