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Subject: Xref Numbering Thanks and Follow Up

Thanks, Dr. Catterall, for the very quick response to my request for help
with the problem getting Docbook to include page numbers for my Xref
files.  Unfortunately, it still is not working.
I changed my docbook customization layer as indicated below.
Note, I included only the template for "section" in the xref-number-and-title
context. That is the only thing to which I am or will be linking.
Unfortunately, it still does not display the page number.

I also tried setting the parameter to true and that worked.  I could have
sworn I tried that before, but I don't remember it working.

I did also find a work-around, I simply changed the style sheet, xref.xsl, 
to always put the page number by removing the if statement around
the check for insert.xref.page.number.  However, I don't see where to change
it to write the word "page" in addition to the number.  
In my situation, I can live with simply
hard coding the style sheet to always display Page nnn for an xref, but don't 
see where to do this.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"; version="1.0">
<xsl:import href="./titlepage.xsl"/>
<xsl:import href="/opt/docbook/DOCBOOK/docbook-xsl-1.65.1/fo/docbook.xsl"/>
<xsl:attribute-set name="formal.object.properties">
  <xsl:attribute name="keep-together.within-column">auto</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:param name="local.l10n.xml" select="document('')"/>
<l:i18n xmlns:l="http://docbook.sourceforge/xmlns/l10n/1.0";>
<l:l10n language="en">
<l:context name="xref-number-and-title">
<l:template name="section" style="page_ref" text="Section &#x002E;%p"/>
<l:context name="xref">
<l:template name="formalpara" style="fp_page_ref" text="Paragraph&#x00A0;&#x201C;%t&#x201D;"/>
<l:template name="olink.page.citation" text="(page %p)"/>
<l:template name="page.citation" text="[%p]"/>
<l:template name="page" text="(page %p)"/>
<l:template name="docname" text="in %o"/>
<l:template name="docnamelong" text="in the document title %o"/>
<l:template name="pageabbrev" text="(p. %p)"/>
<l:template name="Page" text="Page %p"/>

I also did some testing by adding "xsl:message" to the xsl style sheets
themselves and I got the following.  

@toolman#/home/leffstudent/225 >LT Te.xml
Making portrait pages on USletter paper (8.5inx11in)
In Gentext Template
In Gentext Template
In Gentext Template
xref match

In relevant part, here is the instrumentation to xref.xsl:

<xsl:template match="xref" name="xref">
  <xsl:variable name="targets" select="key('id',@linkend)"/>
  <xsl:variable name="target" select="$targets[1]"/>
  <xsl:variable name="refelem" select="local-name($target)"/>
    <xsl:message><xsl:text>xref match</xsl:text></xsl:message>

  <xsl:call-template name="check.id.unique">
    <xsl:with-param name="linkend" select="@linkend"/>

  <!-- Add standard page reference? -->
  <xsl:if test="not(starts-with(normalize-space(@xrefstyle), 'select:') != '' 
                and (contains(@xrefstyle, 'page')
                     or contains(@xrefstyle, 'Page')))
                and ( $insert.xref.page.number = 'yes' 
		   or $insert.xref.page.number = '1')
                or local-name($target) = 'para'">
    <xsl:message><xsl:text>IF PAGE</xsl:text></xsl:message>
    <fo:basic-link internal-destination="{@linkend}"
      <xsl:apply-templates select="$target" mode="page.citation">
        <xsl:with-param name="id" select="@linkend"/>

So it appears the if to generate the page number was not being

The "In Gentext Template" comes from xsl:template name="gentext"

Thanks for any insight anyone can provide.

Dr. Laurence Leff  Western Illinois University, Macomb IL 61455 ||(309) 298-1315
Stipes 447 Assoc. Prof. of Computer Sci. Pager: 309-367-0787 FAX: 309-298-2302 

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