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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] dbfo processing instructions

Hi Stephen,
Your example works for me when I test it with xsltproc, 1.74.0 stylesheets, and XEP.  What processor setup are you using?
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] dbfo processing instructions

Thanks for the quick reply. I see I had taken dbfo PIs to be more general than they are.

Here is a better example of my problem, taken directly from Stayton.

  <title>Sidebar example</title>
  <?dbfo sidebar-width="2.5in" ?>
  <para>A sidebar can be used to emphasise…</para>

With or without the dbfo PI, the width of the sidebar remains 1in, as set by the sidebar.float.width parameter.


2008/8/22 Mauritz Jeanson <mj@johanneberg.com>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Taylor
> I can't see any evidence - in the appearance of my PDFs or in
> the intermediate FO files - that my dbfo PIs are being processed.
> For example, my understanding of the following (adapted from
> Stayton, DocBook XSL, 3rd edn 2005, p274)
> <para>Now is the time for all good men</para>
> <para><?dbfo background-color="#FFCCCC"?>to come to the aid
> of the party</para>
> is that the former para's background colour will be inherited
> and the latter's will be pink.
> Is there some way in which I might have disabled the
> processing of PIs?

The background-color PI applies to graphics only.



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