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Subject: XREFs in table cells not hypenating

Hi all,

I'm using Docbook 5, Docbook XSL 1.73.2, and RenderX XEP. I've got the main hypenate parameter for my style sheets set to "true" and I've also hardcoded the hypenate="true" property into the inline element containing the output of the XREF element, and yet...not hypenating, not even breaking lines. Any ideas? A sample of the output FO is below:

    <fo:table-cell padding-left="2pt" padding-right="2pt" padding-top="2pt"
                                padding-bottom="2pt" keep-with-previous="always"
                                keep-with-next="always" wrap-option="wrap"
                                border-bottom-width="0.5pt" border-bottom-style="solid"
                                border-bottom-color="black" border-right-width="0.5pt"
                                border-right-style="solid" border-right-color="black">
                                <fo:block font-weight="bold" font-family="sans-serif"
                                    hyphenate="true" font-size="9pt" keep-with-next="always">
                                    <fo:block space-before.optimum="6pt" space-before.minimum="4pt"
                                            <fo:inline hyphenate="true">Section 3.1, "Write Request"</fo:inline>
                                        </fo:basic-link> or <fo:basic-link
                                            <fo:inline hyphenate="true">Section 3.4, "Stripe Write Request"</fo:inline>


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