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Subject: Customization of chapter titles and generated pdf bookmarks



I am working on a customization concerning chapter titles in print output because the standard DocBook titles are not indented if they need a second line. E.g.:


2.1.3     Title title title title title title
title title title title title title title title


I found a posting in the mailing list archive (http://sourceware.org/ml/docbook/2004-02/msg00076.html) and worked with the explanations in the DocBook Guide (http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/TitleFontSizes.html#ChapterTitles). I modified the spec file, transformed it to the title page customization and I added a template named “chapappendix.title” to the customization which main idea is the same like the solution in the DocBook Guide. The only difference is that I added a FO table structure. I tried several “table-width” settings to find a solution that holds title and label together (means that the space between title and label is always the same) and give me the advantage of using tables to have indented second title lines. The best solution for our layout (Perhaps it helps someone else.) is to set ‘width="auto"’ in the first table cell (which contains the label) and ‘width="85%"’ in the second (containing the title). Regarding the indent problem my solution works well, but we use the Antenna House's XSL Formatter to transform FO files into PDFs and the interactive bookmarks (on the left-hand side in Acrobat Reader) won’t be generated anymore. Before I used the new template the FO files consisted attributes with the antennahouse namespace “axf”. E.g.:


xmlns:axf="http://www.antennahouse.com/names/XSL/Extensions" keep-with-next.within-column="always" axf:outline-level="2" axf:outline-expand="false" axf:outline-title="1 first title"


Does anyone know what I have to add to my template, that the interactive bookmarks will be generated? I tried to use a variable and a fixed FO block inside my customization template but it didn’t work:


<xsl:variable name="otitle">

            <xsl:apply-templates select="$node" mode="title.markup"/>



<fo:block xmlns:axf="http://www.antennahouse.com/names/XSL/Extensions" keep-with-next.within-column="always" axf:outline-level="2" axf:outline-expand="false" axf:outline-title="$otitle">






Here the entire template I added:


<xsl:template name="chapappendix.title">



   <fo:block keep-together.within-column="always" font-family="sans-serif,Arial Unicode MS,Symbol,ZapfDingbats" margin-left="0pt">

    <fo:block space-before.minimum="1.8em" space-before.optimum="2.4em" space-before.maximum="3.0em" space-after.minimum="0.6em" space-after.optimum="0.8em" space-after.maximum="1.0em" font-family="sans-serif" font-weight="bold" keep-with-next.within-column="always" text-align="left" start-indent="0pt">     


      <fo:block text-align="left">

        <fo:table table-layout="auto" width="100%">





             <fo:table-cell width="auto" background-color="lightblue" text-align="left">

               <fo:block text-align="left">

      <xsl:apply-templates select="$node" mode="label.markup"/>





             <fo:table-cell width="85%" background-color="lightgreen" text-align="left">

  <fo:block text-align="left">                                                     

                  <xsl:apply-templates select="$node" mode="title.markup"/>
















I would be pleased to receive any help concerning that problem.











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Harman/Becker Automotive Systems GmbH




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Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH
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