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docbook-apps message

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Subject: a question regarding docbook website


I use docbook-website for years for our chess-club website
http://www.randspringer.de . 

However currently I'm looking for a solution to open new frames from
the menu on the left side.
Say when I click at "Wiki" in the menu I want the Wiki-page open
in a new frame.
For regular links I implemented the "newwindow-role" and patched
the xsl-stylesheet as suggested from someone in the WWW.
However for tocentry it does not work (of course).

Has someone already applied a patch for this purpose ?

Best regards,

Otto Software Partner GmbH 
Tel.: 0351/49723 158 Email: thomas.porschberg@osp-dd.de
01067 Dresden, Freiberger Str.35 - AG Dresden, HRB 2475 
Geschäftsführer: Burkhard Arrenberg, Jens Gruhl

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