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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Re: Customize user.footer.content for one webpage only?

In the chunk-element-content template there isn't enough information to 
distinguish between the context of the index.html chunk and the lots chunk. 
So I think you would have to customize two templates.

1.  Customize the template named process-chunk in html/chunk-common.xsl to 
change the call to chunk-element-content to include an additional parameter 
named filename, which is set to $filename (that variable is set just before 
the call to write.chunk).

2.  Then customize the chunk-element-content template to accept the new 
parameter and add an xsl:choose statement to act on its value.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Boris" <boriss@web.de>
To: <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 5:44 AM
Subject: [docbook-apps] Re: Customize user.footer.content for one webpage 

> On Wed, 03 Dec 2008 23:57:00 +0100, Boris <boriss@web.de> wrote:
>> I've defined the template user.footer.content to append a copyright note 
>> to every webpage (I use chunking). For the first page (index.html) I'd 
>> like to customize user.footer.content: The version number and the 
>> publishing date should be appended, too.
>> Now I've seen that the template chunk-element-content in 
>> chunk.common.xsl simpy always calls the template user.footer.content - 
>> no matter what webpage is written. That's why I guess I need to find out 
>> in user.footer.content somehow to which file the content is currently 
>> appended: If it's the beginning of the book (the book's titlepage) 
>> something more should be appended. Is this possible? I think I need a 
>> <xsl:if test="..."> but what exactly do I have to test?
> I think I should have been more specific: I can test if the current node 
> is book. However as I've set chunk.tocs.and.lots to 1 to put the toc into 
> its own file the footer content is appended to that page, too (as there 
> the current node is also book). I think I need to check the current 
> filename. But how do I find out?
> Boris
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