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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] survey of DocBook 5.0 validation tools

On 15 déc. 08, at 20:31, Bob Stayton wrote:

> 1.  Which schema type are you using (RelaxNG, DTD, XML Schema) and  
> why.

RelaxNG but I can't tell you why, I didn't try the other (except thew  
DTD). I've change when I "upgraded" for DB4 to DB5.
> 2.  What editing tools are you using, and why.

oXygenXML because I thinks it very useful and more and more powerful  
every new version.
> 3.  What validation tools you are using, and why.
SaxonSA, but I use to xmllind ans xsltproc.

Mac OS X Server à votre service, seconde édition (Leopard) est  
disponible au "Monde en Tique" <http://www.lmet.fr>".

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