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Subject: link strange behavior

Hello folks,

I nee some help about link in DocuBook 5.0, stylesheet 1.7.4.

I create PDF and I would like to have the link with the UIR "inside"  
the link title.

iMac  <-- with the link
instead of
iMac [http://www.apple/com/hardware/iMac]

I cannot find a way to make it working each time.

Sometimes :

	<link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; xlink:href="http://www.apple/com/hardware/iMac 

sometimes. How can i be sure to have the behavior I want ?

Thanks in advance for you help and
Happy New year to every body on the list, make great Docbook thinks.

Mac OS X Server à votre service, seconde édition (Leopard) est  
disponible au "Monde en Tique" <http://www.lmet.fr>".

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